Monday, May 19, 2014

The Seeders Back!

Saturday, May 17th saw the return of the seeding sub-contractor to clean up the disturbed areas and also to put down grass seed.  This is significant as this is the final phase of the project and hopefully the weather will cooperate to allow the seed to grow and fill in quickly so we can remove silt fence and other temporary storm water measures.

Contractor prepares to seed the grass waterway
While they were here they seeded around the Rose Lane Park area and the grass waterways and the areas around the golf course that needed touch ups.  They also work on cleaning up the rain gardens and planting them with the native wildflower mix that is required.

Contractor working on a rain garden on Rose Lane
These rain gardens will also get some plant plugs put in, hopefully later this week.  These plugs are already growing plants that will help to establish the area quicker than just working with seed.

The plan is for the seed sub-contractor to be back in Storm Lake on Tuesday or Wednesday this week with the plugs.  Plugs are going to go around the two ponds at the Sunrise Pointe Golf Course and in the rain gardens.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Seeding to Resume Monday

We just got word that the seeding sub-contractor is going to be back on site next week, mobilizing on Monday, May 16 and starting work later that day.  This should begin the final work that will need to be done that was left over from last fall and hopefully the weather will cooperate to allow the grass and other plants to grow!

Golfers at Sunrise Pointe Golf Course should be aware of potential crews conducting spot seeding on the berms around Hole #9 and planting plugs around the two storm water ponds at Hole #1 and Hole #9.

Residents in the Rose and Tulip Lane area should expect some smaller construction equipment in the area and seeding and planting activities in the disturbed areas of the project.

We'll try to get a few pictures next week to post here as we wrap up the seeding work.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring 2014 - Start Back Soon?

We'll until I stepped outside of my house this morning I was under the impression winter was a thing of the past and Spring could begin in earnest, I guess I was wrong, at least for now!

Towards the end of March 2014 we met with the contractor, engineer, and sub-contractors to discuss the completion of the project since weather was improving.  The key elements that are left is the completion of the rain gardens in the residential areas and plantings and seeding along the project routes.  The seeding contractor was in attendance at the meeting and gave every indication that they would be onsite as soon as weather allowed for the seeding to occur.

Once the weather allows the priority for seeding will be the Sunrise Pointe Golf Course where the seeder will re-seed a few spots along the newly formed berms and also redo the planting of the plugs along the two ponds on holes #1 and 9.  They have a few trees to replace around the smaller pond by the condo's which should be done about the same time as the seeding at the golf course.

The concrete contractor will have a section of cul-de-sac to remove on Rose Lane this spring once weather conditions allow and the prime contractor will be finishing the rain gardens so that the seeding sub-contractor can plant those soon after they are done at the golf course.

Disruption to the general flow should be minimal during the remaining portions of work.  The work on the golf course will take at maximum two days and then some time where golfers will have to remain off of the areas that were newly seeded.  If work goes well and weather cooperates we should see quick growth and minimize the minor access restrictions on the course.

Likewise in the residential areas the work should cause limited disruptions with the majority of the impact being temporary while the contractor is onsite.  The biggest distraction will be the time required to remove and replace the portion of Rose Lane that could impact parking in that neighborhood for a week or two.

Sorry for the minimal postings during the winter months but there hasn't been a ton of things happening on the project.  Now that "Spring has Sprung" or so we hope city staff will work diligently with the engineer to ensure that the project is finished in a quick timely manner.  Thus posts will be more frequent as we progress as well.